Drink-driving limit could be lowered in the UK

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The UK Government has suggested that it may reduce the drink-driving limit in England and Wales, making it illegal to drive after only 1 glass of wine or 1 pint of beer. Andrew Jones, the transport Minister has mentioned that England and Wales could follow the example of Scotland which lowered its drink-driving limit to 50mpg per 100ml in 2014. The previous limit was 80mpg per 100ml. Scottish Police have advised that the numbers of drink-driving offences fell by 12.5% in the first 9 months since the law was changed. Andrew Jones advised that he would be meeting with representatives of his Scottish counter-parts to discuss it. The current limit of 80mpg is one of the highest in Europe and in 2014 drink-driving led to 1080 serious injuries and 240 fatalities in England and Wales. Although the new limits suggest that it would only take around 1 pint for you to be over the limit, in reality this would be impossible to determine because each persons metabolises alcohol at a differing rate. With the limit lowered, motorists will also have to worry about their limits the morning after. Research by the AA has shown that almost 20% of motorists have driven the morning after believing that they may be over the limit.
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